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Coronavirus: Western economies slow to react to crisis, says leading economist

2020-04-10 05:39:45| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

A top economist says western economies can learn from Asia as they face a severe economic downturn.

Tags: western leading slow crisis


"We've got to keep our business running" - UK brewers react to coronavirus on-premise impact

2020-03-18 15:18:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

UK brewers have voiced their concerns about the future of the country's hospitality sector as the on-premise faces an effective shutdown because of the coronavirus.

Tags: to business running impact


"The minute you react to short-term volatility, that's when businesses get into trouble" - just-drinks speaks to Diageo CEO Ivan Menezes

2020-01-31 11:22:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

Earlier this week, Diageo released half-year results that showed sales growth slowing to +4%. Following the announcement, just-drinks editor Olly Wehring sat down with group CEO Ivan Menezes to drill down into the numbers.

Tags: to minute businesses trouble


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