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July Rural Mainstreet Index shows strength

2021-07-15 19:45:00| Beef

Bankers expect farmland price growth to fall by half in next 12 months

Tags: index july shows strength


Theres still goodness in rural America

2021-07-13 22:42:00| Beef

The recipe for happiness and fulfillment make it a priority to brighten up your community with good works and small acts of kindness.

Tags: america rural goodness


Rural UK suffering from streaming divide

2021-07-13 02:00:00| Total Telecom industry news

For many of us, subscriptions to a streaming service such as Netflix or Amazon Prime have been part of our lives for many years. However, it is easy to take for granted the level of broadband connection required to enjoy these services to the full, something which is still unattainable for some of the more rural areas around the UK. In a recent study on behalf of Netgem by YouGov…read more on TotalTele.com »

Tags: rural suffering divide streaming


Higher Octane Fuel Standard Would Benefit Drivers, Farmers, Rural Communities, and the Environment

2021-07-12 20:48:41| National Farmers Union

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 12, 2021 Contact: Hannah Packman, 303.819.8737 hpackman@nfudc.org WASHINGTON �As the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) updates its greenhouse gas emissions standards for passenger vehicles and light duty trucks, a coalition of farm, biofuels, and environmental organizations is urging the administration to propose a higher octane fuel standard. In a letter sent today […]

Tags: standard environment higher benefit


Reversal of Year-Round E15 a Blow for Farmers, Rural Communities, and the Environment

2021-07-02 21:11:38| National Farmers Union

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 2, 2021 Contact: Hannah Packman, 202.554.1600 hpackman@nfudc.org WASHINGTON �Ruling in favor of American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit today overturned part of�a 2019 rule that permitted the year-round sale of gasoline blended with 15 percent ethanol.� The decision comes as a blow to […]

Tags: the environment communities rural


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