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Tag: buyers

'Appalling' safety at Asda buyers' former company

2020-12-18 03:42:24| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Packaging firm co-owned by Mohsin and Zuber Issa was prosecuted after a series of injuries

Tags: company safety buyers appalling


Hotels Buyers and Sellers Remain Deadlocked

2020-12-15 22:23:00| National Real Estate Investor

With vaccinations beginning, existing owners of struggling hotel properties are making a renewed effort to wait out the pandemic rather than sell for deep discounts.

Tags: hotels remain sellers buyers


Jaeger and Peacocks buyers must focus on digital developments

2020-11-30 12:30:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

While the Edinburgh Woollen Mill Group has reportedly received interest from several potential buyers for both Peacocks and Jaeger since they fell into administration, the sale process is only the first hurdle that these players have to overcome in order to survive in the long-term.�

Tags: digital focus developments buyers


Arcadia: Buyers to 'pick over carcass' of Topshop owner, says former boss

2020-11-28 12:12:21| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Breaking up the Arcadia empire is "the only way" forward, former chief executive Lord Rose says.

Tags: owner says pick boss


Self-Storage Attracts New Buyers

2020-11-03 22:05:00| National Real Estate Investor

Buchanan Street Partners plans to spend $350 million to $500 million to buy and build in the sector.

Tags: buyers attracts selfstorage


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