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A J.C. Penney REIT Is an Odd Value Proposition in Todays Climate. But its Stores Could Attract a Wealthy Buyer

2020-05-26 17:06:00| National Real Estate Investor

Given unraveling retail rents, a J.C. Penney REIT might be a tough sell in this environment. But the chains stores might become a goldmine for Amazon.

Tags: its stores buyer odd


BCC & OptiFreeze an odd marriage?

2020-02-11 08:06:40| Industry Product and Service Suppliers | Latest Listings

According to a press release from OptiFreeze on 7th February 2020 they will, together with BCC investigate the possibility to apply the OptiFreeze technology on forest plants.� OptiFreeze is a company who develop methods for making it possible for berries and vegetables to better withstand the process of freezing and thawing by using a combination […] The post BCC & OptiFreeze an odd marriage? appeared first on Forestry.com.

Tags: marriage odd bcc


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