Tag: spilled
EPA doubles Colerain Twp. oil leak estimate to 20K gallons spilled
2014-03-25 00:15:13| Energy -
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Tags: oil
25 years later, oil spilled from Exxon Valdez still clings to lives, habitats
2014-03-22 02:12:07| Energy -
"My buddy had just handed me a cup of coffee in the morning and we're watching 'Good Morning America,' The herring of Prince William Sound still have not recovered.
25 years later, oil spilled from Exxon Valdez still clings to lives, habitats
2014-03-22 00:15:03| Oil & Gas -
"My buddy had just handed me a cup of coffee in the morning and we're watching 'Good Morning America,' The herring of Prince William Sound still have not recovered.
Hundreds Of Barrels Of Fracking Wastewater Spilled In North Dakota
2014-03-05 16:46:35| oilandgasonline News Articles
An energy company in North Dakota leaked fracking wastewater and oil from a well this month, raising concerns about groundwater contamination and other environmental hazards.
Tags: north
CDC: 2nd chemical from tank spilled in W.Va. river
2014-01-22 20:29:45| Biotech -
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says a storage tank that leaked a coal-cleaning chemical also contained a mixture of polyglycol ethers, or PPH.