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COVID-19 and pigs: experts answer your questions on the novel coronavirus

2020-03-13 11:57:00| ThePigSite - Industry News

The ISN speaks to experts at the Friedrich-L�ffler-Institut (FLI), who answer questions from pet owners and livestock producers.

Tags: the questions answer experts


Are female urinals the answer to queues at the loos?

2020-03-13 01:13:28| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Clever designs are trying to tackle queues for female loos, but will the innovations catch on?

Tags: the answer female queues


Very.co.uk develops tool to answer fit problem

2020-03-10 15:46:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

Online fashion retailer Very.co.uk has developed a tool to help its customers find the right size and fit of clothing by viewing product on their choice of model.

Tags: problem answer tool fit


Are economically inactive people the answer to staff shortages?

2020-02-19 13:47:06| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Priti Patel says staff shortages can be dealt with by training the 8.5 million people who are economically inactive.

Tags: people staff answer economically


Whole genome sequencing provides answer in PRRSV investigation

2020-02-11 17:47:00| National Hog Farmer

Whole genome sequencing had a deeper discriminatory power and provided more information when compared to classical ORF5 Sanger sequencing.

Tags: answer investigation genome sequencing


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