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Apache Posts Lower Fourth-quarter Loss as Oil Prices Recover

2021-02-25 10:10:00| OGI

U.S. oil producer Apache raised its project spending forecast to $1.1 billion for this year as oil prices have improved since its previous outlook of keeping upstream expenses below a billion dollars.

Tags: posts prices lower loss


Cattle Market Wrap-up: Prices lower than previous week

2020-10-28 17:05:00| Beef

Nationally reported forward contracted cattle harvested was about  36,000 head this week. 

Tags: previous week market prices


Cattle Market Wrap-up: Prices slip lower

2020-10-01 20:22:00| Beef

Calf prices were generally on the defensive, but steady for heavyweight yearlings.

Tags: market prices lower slip


Prices drop lower again after brief respite

2020-04-02 21:54:00| Beef

More feeder cattle came to town this week because prices were trending higher. However, prices got worse as the week progressed.

Tags: prices lower brief drop


Uncertainty, fear, record large production equals lower hog prices

2020-02-03 17:24:00| National Hog Farmer

The rally's extent could be surprising but given the level of production, there's no reason to expect anything close to last year's highs.

Tags: large record prices lower


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