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Tag: bioactive

Bioactive Essential Oil Mouth Rinse

2021-05-27 08:00:00| Happi Breaking News

Johnson & Johnson awarded patent protection for formulation that contains menthol, thymol, eucalyptol and methyl salicylate.

Tags: essential oil mouth rinse


The benefits of feeding bioactive peptides to swine

2020-11-06 14:00:00| National Hog Farmer

Peptiva is a patent-pending bioactive peptide that optimizes performance of swine.

Tags: to benefits feeding peptides


Smart fabrics with bioactive inks respond to body chemicals

2020-06-22 14:55:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

Biomaterial-based inks that respond to and quantify chemicals released from the body or the environment by changing colour have been developed for use in clothes and footwear.

Tags: body smart respond chemicals


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