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The 'insane' money in trading collectible cards

2021-03-19 01:02:30| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Prices of collectible cards are soaring and new digital products are entering the market.

Tags: money cards trading insane


Pok�mon at 25: Rare cards trade for big money

2021-02-26 03:39:34| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Rare cards based on the popular Japanese video game and cartoons are regularly fetching six figures.

Tags: big money trade cards


NCC orders telcos to block Sim cards without National Identity Number

2020-12-16 08:55:00| Telecompaper Headlines

(Telecompaper) The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has given telecom operators in the country two weeks to block all Sim cards that are not registered with a National Identity Number (NIN). The commission warned that any telecom operators that failed to comply with the directive risked outright withdrawal of their licences or a heavy penalty.

Tags: number national orders cards


Currys PC World apologises after gift cards wiped

2020-11-30 17:51:59| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The company is still assessing how many customers may have been affected.

Tags: world gift cards wiped


Hot Mortgage Market Is the Feds House of Cards: Brian Chappatta

2020-11-17 16:39:00| National Real Estate Investor

If the central bank ever steps away from backstopping mortgage bonds, the consequences could be dire.

Tags: house market hot cards


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