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Ontex Reported to be in Talks to buy Domtar\'s Personal Care Biz

2020-09-21 16:20:59| Nonwovens Industry Breaking News

Deal would expand hygiene manufacturing throughout North America and Europe

Tags: personal buy care reported


Brexit talks will resume despite UK rejecting EU ultimatum

2020-09-11 08:41:44| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The UK rejects the EU's demand to scrap plans to override the withdrawal treaty, but talks will continue.

Tags: resume talks rejecting ultimatum


Trade talks: Why chicken, cheese, and cod are a tricky menu

2020-09-10 01:02:09| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The UK this week pursues simultaneous talks with Japan, the US and EU to secure its post-Brexit future.

Tags: menu trade chicken talks


NATO: Greece, Turkey Agree to Talks over East Med Drilling Activity

2020-09-03 22:25:00| OGI

NATO�allies Turkey and Greece vehemently disagree over claims to natural gas reserves in the eastern Mediterranean and the extent of their continental shelves.

Tags: east activity med agree


Pemex, Hokchi Begin Talks Over Possible Shared Reservoir

2020-09-03 15:19:40| OGI

The companies have begun talks over a confidentiality agreement that will allow both sides to share technical data, the ministry said.

Tags: begin shared talks reservoir


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