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Fight Maskne with Untamed Humans Skin Care Mask Relief Mist

2021-05-26 14:57:12| Happi Breaking News

Guards the skins protective barrier against humidity, dirt and oils that clog pores.

Tags: care skin fight humans


Tech giants fight 'cloud wars' deep in the ocean

2021-05-25 01:09:26| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

To boost their services, Google and Facebook are investing in undersea cables that span the world.

Tags: tech deep fight wars


Exxon Mobil Vows to Add New Directors amid Bitter Proxy Fight

2021-05-24 22:05:00| OGI

The companys suggested board expansion appeared to be a last-minute move to sway top Exxon Mobil investors Vanguard, State Street and BlackRock, says�senior director at a climate advocacy group.

Tags: add fight mobil directors


Exxon Mobil Under Pressure in Fight over Board of Directors

2021-05-17 11:10:00| OGI

Exxon Mobil and Engine No.1 are spending at least $65 million in the fight for Exxon Mobils future direction.

Tags: board pressure fight mobil


Fight animal ag misinformation with facts, expert says

2021-05-12 15:36:00| Beef

Use scientific evidence to develop a competing narrative, and dont worry about backlash, he says.

Tags: says expert animal fight


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