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NGL Energy Partners Names Linda Bridges as CFO Trey Karlovichs Successor

2021-08-24 16:35:00| OGI

CFO Robert W. (Trey) Karlovich III announced that he will be resigning from his position with NGL Energy Partners effective Sept. 30 to pursue personal business interests.

Tags: names partners energy linda


TC Energy CFO Don Marchand Retires; Joel Hunter Named Successor

2021-05-17 20:00:00| OGI

Don Marchand, who has served as TC Energys CFO since 2010, will assist his successor�Joel Hunter with the transition through�November.

Tags: don energy named hunter


Investor Warren Buffett names Berkshire Hathaway successor

2021-05-04 05:37:07| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Company's vice-chairman Greg Abel will take over, but Mr Buffett has no plans to step aside.

Tags: names investor warren successor


ChampionX CFO Jay A. Nutt to Retire, Kenneth Fisher Named as Successor

2021-01-20 16:20:44| OGI

Fisher will resign from the board effective February 1, 2021.

Tags: named jay kenneth fisher


ProPetro Names Adam Muoz as Successor to COO David Sledge

2020-12-22 11:11:17| OGI

ProPetro Holding Corp. reported on Dec. 21 that David Sledge, the current COO, will be succeeded in his role by Adam Muoz at the end of 2020.

Tags: david names adam successor


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