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Tag: provence

Wildfires: Provence wine producers assess impact of destruction

2021-08-22 17:36:31| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

There are fears the fires that have hit rosé vineyards in Provence will push up prices.

Tags: impact wine assess destruction


INOLEX Provence IES Labo To Expand Facilities

2021-07-27 14:30:33| Happi Breaking News

Company makes announcement at event with French officials to celebrate the companys important contribution to the regions economy and region.

Tags: facilities expand provence ies



2020-12-16 21:34:58| PortlandOnline

1824 NE ALBERTA ST - COMMENTS DUE 1-16-21 - LIQUOR PDF Document, 1,840kbCategory: Inner Northeast Portland (NECN)

Tags: petite alberta provence



2020-08-13 01:28:12| PortlandOnline

4836 SE DIVISION ST - COMMENTS DUE 9-12-20 - LIQUOR PDF Document, 572kbCategory: Inner Southeast Portland (SEUL)

Tags: petite provence


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