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Croatian 5G spectrum auction concludes, raising 48m

2021-08-13 02:00:00| Total Telecom industry news

Croatia has today announced the conclusion of its 5G frequency auction, raising HRK 358.9 million  (€48 million). The auction saw the sale of frequencies in the 700MHz, 3.6GHz, and 26GHz bands, both on a national and regional basis, with permits issued for 15 years in almost all cases…read more on TotalTele.com »

Tags: auction spectrum raising concludes


Saudi Aramco Looks at Raising Production Capacity as Profits Surge

2021-08-10 22:00:00| OGI

Saudi Aramco is using the rise in oil prices to reduce leverage and invest in increasing production capacity, bucking the trend among international rivals to raise returns to shareholders.

Tags: production capacity saudi raising


PPF to take O2 Czechia private after raising stake to 90%

2021-06-24 15:11:00| Telecompaper Headlines

(Telecompaper) Investmnent group PPF has acquired 19.354 million shares in operator O2 Czech Republic, taking its stake to 90.01 percent from 83.58 percent...

Tags: to private raising stake


Indosat Ooredoo sells more towers, raising $750 million

2021-03-30 02:00:00| Total Telecom industry news

Over the past year, numerous operators around the world have been offloading their mobile tower infrastructure in exchange for quick cash, with investors desire for infrastructure proving seemingly insatiable. Now, Indosat Ooredoo is the latest in a long line of telcos to announce the sale and leaseback of a portion of their mobile towers to EdgePoint…read more on TotalTele.com »

Tags: million raising sells towers


Minimum wage fight: 'There's no recovery without raising it'

2021-03-26 01:23:30| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Can Joe Biden deliver on his promise to double America's minimum wage?

Tags: without minimum fight recovery


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