Tag: peak
Upstream A&D Activity in 2021 to Nearly Surpass Peak Shale Boom
2021-09-29 19:05:00| OGI
Piper Sandlers Doug Reynolds forecast a strong finish for A&D in 2021 and while upstream oil and gas deal activity might not reach its record year of 2014, were going to have the best year since then, he told attendees of Oil and Gas Investors A&D Strategies and Opportunities conference.
Tags: activity
Expert: When Peak Oil Demand Arrives, OPECs Power Will Fade
2021-06-23 22:49:38| OGI
Harvard researcher explores the linear progression of oil intensity and GDP.
Bonanza Creek Continues D-J Basin Consolidation with Crestone Peak Deal
2021-06-07 16:05:00| OGI
The acquisition of Crestone PeakBonanza Creek Energys third so far this yearrepresents the companys strategy to position itself as the modern-day E&P business model, says CEO�Eric Greager.
Tags: deal
Is the price peak behind us?
2021-05-24 16:24:00| National Hog Farmer
There is a chance that the $120.78/cwt. price peak of three weeks ago will be surpassed before end of summer.
Peak Oil? What About Peak Investment
2021-05-11 22:30:53| OGI
Is oil and gas nearing peak investment? Industry experts including top execs from Shell Oil and Pioneer Natural Resources discuss capital trends, ESG and the energy transition.
Tags: investment
peak oil