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IndustryVoice: Advancing Safety and Sustainability Offshore Through COS

2020-12-22 20:30:00| OGI

APIs Center for Offshore Safety Promotes a Culture of Safety on the Outer-Continental Shelf.

Tags: safety cos offshore sustainability


NHTSA 2019 data shows significant improvements in traffic safety, including the lowest percentage of alcohol-impaired driving fatalities on record

2020-12-21 11:55:37| Green Car Congress

Tags: on including data record


Trans Mountain Oil Pipeline Construction Stops over Safety Concerns

2020-12-18 15:30:00| OGI

Trans Mountain CEO Ian Anderson cited multiple worker safety incidents during the past two months and said the shutdown of the oil pipeline's construction on Dec. 17 was voluntary.

Tags: construction safety oil mountain


'Appalling' safety at Asda buyers' former company

2020-12-18 03:42:24| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Packaging firm co-owned by Mohsin and Zuber Issa was prosecuted after a series of injuries

Tags: company safety buyers appalling


API Issues New Standard to Enhance Safety, Environmental Management at Well Sites

2020-12-17 23:35:00| OGI

The American Petroleum Institute has issued Recommended Practice (RP) 97L, a first edition standard that improves communication between onshore well operators and drilling contractors to enhance overall safety and environmental management.�

Tags: well sites management standard


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