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Shell Partners with Baker Hughes for Methane Detection in Permian Basin

2020-09-14 15:43:36| OGI

SWEPI LP (Shell) reached an agreement with Avitas, a Baker Hughes venture, to expand the use of drones to enhance its existing methane leak detection and repair (LDAR) program in the Permian Basin in July 2020.

Tags: partners shell detection baker


Ecopetrol Aims to Drill 100 Wells in Permian Basin by End-2021

2020-09-14 11:10:00| OGI

Colombian oil company Ecopetrol, which entered a joint venture in the Permian Basin with Occidental Petroleum in November 2019, said it plans to drill another 22 wells this year.

Tags: aims wells basin drill


Northern Oil & Gas Enters Permian Basin with Deal for EOG-operated Assets

2020-09-11 01:25:00| OGI

After actively building data in the Permian Basin for two years,�Northern CEO Nick OGrady says he now sees a window of opportunity opening up for expansion of the companys strategy outside of the Williston.

Tags: deal gas oil northern


Concho Resources Eyes Efficiency Gains in Permian Basin

2020-09-10 14:45:00| OGI

Simultaneous fracs are among the methods being discussed by some U.S. shale players to drill and complete wells faster and more efficiently.

Tags: resources eyes efficiency gains


NGL Energy Partners Expands Produced Water Acreage Dedication in Permian

2020-08-31 15:20:19| OGI

NGL Energy Partners LP on Aug. 31 said that the partnership signed a long-term extension and expansion of an acreage dedication with an existing customer.

Tags: water partners energy produced


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