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First-time buyers: Four ways the property market 'will be tougher'
2020-08-13 01:01:39| BBC News | Business | UK Edition
UK house prices are predicted to fall but a report spells out why property may remain out of reach.
Tags: will
'Eat out to help out will definitely affect the weekend'
2020-08-03 13:45:38| BBC News | Business | UK Edition
"Eat out to help out" is too complicated and will not mean more customers, says one businessman.
Office Building Health and Safety Now Requires Extra Spending. But Who Will Foot the Bill?
2020-07-23 20:48:00| National Real Estate Investor
Depending on lease terms, expenses related to COVID-19 might fall on the tenants and not office owners.
Spirits gift boxes are on the way out, they will not be missed - comment
2020-06-25 14:00:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from
Remy Cointreau's announcement this week that it is to discontinue more gift boxes�for Remy Martin is another nail in the coffin of cardboard packaging.
My Money: 'I wonder if my wallet or body will recover?'
2020-06-21 03:17:04| BBC News | Business | UK Edition
Zak Hoblyn from London takes us through his week as a first-time buyer during the Covid-19 pandemic.