Tag: stay
IEA: Aviation Crisis Means Oil Demand to Stay Below Pre-Virus Levels Before 2022
2020-06-16 15:46:32| OGI
Coronavirus fears have cut into flying, putting the industry into an existential crisis.
Tech Products That Make It Easier to Stay Home
2020-06-15 20:29:30| TechNewsWorld
Being locked up at home can drive people a little nuts. Several technology products have been particularly helpful while sheltering in place, making this semi-forced timeout feel less like a punishment and more like something I could endure. The Atmoph Window 2, for example, looks like a picture on your wall, but inside the frame is a connected 27-inch 4K display that is tied to remote cameras.
Cotton prices stay low under various recovery scenarios
2020-06-11 14:54:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from
The the Covid-19 pandemic is continuing to weigh on the cotton market, with�prices likely to remain low due to higher ending stocks, weaker textile fibre demand from brands, and lower polyester prices, a new suggests.
Tags: low
Dear Jonathan Safran Foer: Meat is here to stay!
2020-05-22 23:37:00| Beef
An inflammatory op-ed titled, The end of meat is here spurs this rancher and beef lover to respond.
How to Stay Safe on the Internet, Part 4: Fighting the Power
2020-05-15 18:58:17| TechNewsWorld
Category 2 adversaries are nothing to sneeze at, but their resources are finite. If you armor up enough, they will give up, and move onto an easier comparable target. In confronting the threat of category 3, everything you have learned ratchets up to a whole new level of paranoia. Category 3 adversaries have functionally unlimited resources for pursuing top targets.
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