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Thin cows need to be watched carefully

2020-12-17 15:39:00| Beef

Ranchers who notice thin cows should make sure feed access is adequate.

Tags: carefully thin watched cows


The benefits of supplementing cows in the third trimester

2020-11-13 14:00:00| Beef

The third trimester is the final stage for calf development, so cows need to be in prime condition prior to calving.

Tags: the third benefits cows


Preg check cows before or after cornstalk grazing?

2020-11-05 21:37:00| Beef

Think about costs and returns rather than whether you have the time.

Tags: check cows grazing preg


Cars cant compare with cows when it comes to air quality

2020-10-22 20:39:00| Beef

Heres some sound science to clear the air on cattles contribution to air quality.

Tags: to quality air cars


Cows have individual faces, can be traced by facial recognition

2020-10-14 17:33:00| Beef

Artificial intelligence can track cattle in data base by recognizing their faces.

Tags: individual recognition faces facial


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