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Manage high nitrates with pregnant cows

2021-10-14 10:00:00| Beef

With drought altering nitrate levels in plants, manage herd carefully when grazing.

Tags: high manage pregnant cows


Beef up your momma cows

2021-10-05 19:04:00| Beef

Feed pregnant cows right with a balanced ration to get calves with more muscle mass.

Tags: beef cows momma


Fall is time to evaluate cows body conditions

2021-09-30 22:20:00| Beef

KSU Cattle Chat: Cow body condition key to planning the herds post-weaning management.

Tags: time conditions body fall


Trending Headlines: Taxing cows & eating bugs

2021-09-29 23:22:00| Beef

What exactly is in the $3.5 trillion bill being considered by Congress? Plus, the push for bugs as the solution for feeding a hungry planet continues.

Tags: eating bugs headlines amp


Cows Digestive System Helps Recycle Plastic

2021-07-07 09:00:00| Waste Age

Scientists have uncovered microbes in liquid that was drawn from the rumen, the largest compartment of a hooved animal stomach, which rely on microorganisms to help break down their diet of coarse vegetation. The rumen acts as an incubator for these

Tags: system helps plastic recycle


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