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How Will Student Housing Operators Fare This Fall? The Answer Depends on Which Universities They Serve
2020-08-03 18:59:00| National Real Estate Investor
Owners in markets where universities are reopening in person are seeing a surge in demand as students are pushed into off-campus housing.
U.S. Airlines Face the End of Business Travel as They Knew It
2020-07-20 13:38:00| National Real Estate Investor
Half the respondents in a survey of Fortune 500 CEOs said trips at their companies would never return to what they were before Covid-19.
Spirits gift boxes are on the way out, they will not be missed - comment
2020-06-25 14:00:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from
Remy Cointreau's announcement this week that it is to discontinue more gift boxes�for Remy Martin is another nail in the coffin of cardboard packaging.
Shops get rent break as told to pay what they can
2020-04-23 20:58:51| BBC News | Business | UK Edition
The government is banning landlords from using aggressive debt recovery measures on shops.
Warehouse Tenants and Landlords Say They Are Following CDC Guidelines to Keep Facilities Safe. But Are They Doing Enough?
2020-04-16 20:25:00| National Real Estate Investor
In spite of the measures reportedly in place, many employees are still getting sick.