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How Will Student Housing Operators Fare This Fall? The Answer Depends on Which Universities They Serve

2020-08-03 18:59:00| National Real Estate Investor

Owners in markets where universities are reopening in person are seeing a surge in demand as students are pushed into off-campus housing.

Tags: which they fall answer


U.S. Airlines Face the End of Business Travel as They Knew It

2020-07-20 13:38:00| National Real Estate Investor

Half the respondents in a survey of Fortune 500 CEOs said trips at their companies would never return to what they were before Covid-19.

Tags: it they business end


Spirits gift boxes are on the way out, they will not be missed - comment

2020-06-25 14:00:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

Remy Cointreau's announcement this week that it is to discontinue more gift boxes�for Remy Martin is another nail in the coffin of cardboard packaging.

Tags: will they comment gift


Shops get rent break as told to pay what they can

2020-04-23 20:58:51| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The government is banning landlords from using aggressive debt recovery measures on shops.

Tags: can they what pay


Warehouse Tenants and Landlords Say They Are Following CDC Guidelines to Keep Facilities Safe. But Are They Doing Enough?

2020-04-16 20:25:00| National Real Estate Investor

In spite of the measures reportedly in place, many employees are still getting sick.

Tags: they enough doing safe


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