Cyber Security Engineers
2021-03-23 12:11:54| Jobs RSS
Please submit your application by 15042021 1159 Prague time The only means of submitting an application for this vacancy is through the GSA erecruitment portal httpswww.gsa.europa.eugsajobsopportunities ABOUT THE JOB The European GNSS Agency is looking for Cyber Security Engineers to join our dynamic and expanding EU Agency. The jobholder will report to the Head of the Security Department or hisher assignee. For more information on the GSA and the European satellite navigation programmes, click here. TASKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES The jobholder will be entrusted with the following tasks and responsibilities Cyber Security Management Taking an active part in the implementation of the Agencys Cyber security Awareness and Training plan Supporting the update of the Galileo andor EGNOS service security requirements and their implementation by the infrastructure providers and the operators Contributing to the continuous update of the Statement of Compliance to the applicable cyber security requirements Developing procedures for the efficient processing of cyber security management activities Participating in the technical reviews related to cyber security aspects Participating to the Agencys Cyber security Panels and to the Programme Cyber security Boards Supporting auditing and testing activities, participating in these and followingup their results Driving the cyber security vulnerability management for the projects under hisher competence, in cooperation with Services departments Galileo, EGNOS and others in the future and the Galileo Security Monitoring Centre GSMC Contributing to the preparation of security accreditation files, security risks analyses and the associated security risks treatment plans related to cyber security aspects Supporting the development of cyber security activities for the other space components e.g. GOVSATCOM, COPERNICUS, SSA, Liaising with other GSA teams and provide cyber security engineering support as needed Liaising with the other EU Agencies entrusted with cyber security activities, in particular ENISA Providing technical support to the European Commission on the relevant forums focused on cyber security aspects. Cyber Security Audit Maintaining the Agencys cybersecurity auditing strategy, the cyber security audit programme and the cyber security audit plan for Galileo andor EGNOS Auditing the implementation of the Agencys Cyber Awareness and Training plan Reviewing the Statement of Compliance to the applicable cyber security requirements for Galileo andor EGNOS Developing procedures for the efficient processing of cyber security audit activities Auditing the existing procedures for the cyber security management and the cyber security operational activities Participating in the technical reviews related to cyber security aspects, in particular for the cyber security acceptance of the infrastructure and operations Participating to the Agencys Cyber security Panels and to the Programme Cyber security Boards Promoting auditing and testing activities, taking an active part in these and followingup their results Contributing to the review of security accreditation files, security risks analyses and the associated security risks treatment plans related to cyber security aspects Supporting the development of cyber security auditing activities for the other space components e.g. GOVSATCOM, COPERNICUS, SSA, Liaising with other GSA teams and providing cyber security engineering support as needed Liaising with the other EU Agencies entrusted with cyber security activities, in particular ENISA Providing technical support to the European Commission on the relevant forums focused on cyber security aspects. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION The selection procedure is open to applicants who satisfy the following eligibility criteria, on the closing date for application A level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma when the normal period of university education is four years or more OR A level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma and at least one year of appropriate professional experience when the normal period of university education is three years In addition to the above, appropriate professional experience of at least six years after obtaining the required diploma Be a national of a Member State of the European Union Be entitled to his or her full rights as citizen Have fulfilled any obligations imposed by the applicable laws concerning military service Meet the character requirements for the duties involved Have a thorough knowledge of one of the languages of the European Union and a satisfactory knowledge of another language of the European Union to the extent necessary for the performance of hisher duties Be physically fit to perform the duties linked to the post Temporary agents 2f from GSA and other EU agencies, in grade AD7 or AD8, are also invited to apply in accordance with the following GSA rules httpswww.gsa.europa.eusitesdefaultfilesconditionsofemploymentoftemporarystaffta.pdf APPLICATION PROCEDURE In order to consider your application valid, you are required to log in and submit application through the GSA erecruitment portal httpswww.gsa.europa.eugsajobsopportunities A full job description and further information on the application procedure can be found here httpsvacancies.gsa.europa.euJobsVacancyDetails1469 [ more ]
Tags: security
cyber security
Category:Transportation and Logistics