ESRI and #8217;s and #8216;mobile first and #8217; approach. Location is the ultimate foreign key. ArcData spatio-temporal repository for big data/AI analytics. Hadoop/NETCDF trials. Apple Macs as de facto endpoint. BP OneMap poster child. Woodside and #8217;s cognitive GIS ID and #8217;s and #8216;bike incidents. and #8217; CGG NPA and #8217;s authoritative satellite backgrounder. IOGP on North Sea geodetic engineering fail and the Helmert transformation. Wintershall and #8217;s tricky permissions management. Shell and #8217;s myMap for seismic planning. Zolnai on Harvey, GIS and social media. Voyager and #8217;s cognitive search. More from ESA, IHS, Statoil, OGA, AkerBP.