You are an editor: When you write your next email, think like a newspaper editor. You only have so much space and you really are on a kind of a deadline. So put your call to action message right at the top of the email, even in the first paragraph. Ad agencies and media types call that "above the fold." They want this position in media because readers see it first. The trick is to get the core message in the email early to catch and hold the attention of the addressee.
So how do you do it?
Get your actionable message in the preview panel of the email recipient
This is the closest or clearest example of how to be Above the Fold
Put your offer right up front so it will appear in the preview panel
Compose your email messaging as if you were writing for a newspaper.
Avoid the urge to try to get everything above the fold
Stick to one core message with a call to action
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The Article The Message at the Top of Your Email Gets it Read (or Not) appeared first on Automotive Digest.