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Whyte & Mackay urges Travel Retail to embrace digital amid coronavirus slump

2020-10-12 14:11:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

The Global Travel Retail industry�should not wait for consumers to start flying again and must engage the few remaining passengers left through digital activations, Whyte & Mackay has said.

Tags: travel digital retail embrace


British Airways' boss replaced amid industry's 'worst crisis'

2020-10-12 10:07:54| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Alex Cruz leaves British Airways after four years with the airline, replaced by Aer Lingus' Sean Doyle.

Tags: british replaced worst crisis


Covid: City firms look to cut office space amid pandemic

2020-10-08 11:58:40| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Nearly three quarters of financial services firms are reviewing their office needs, a survey says.

Tags: city office space cut


Real Estate Investors Adopt Divergent Strategies Amid Uncertainty

2020-10-07 17:05:00| National Real Estate Investor

Exclusive survey reveals falling sentiment reiterates caution, but many see opportunity ahead.

Tags: real estate real estate strategies


AAFA urges Trump to sign off CBTPA amid expiry

2020-10-01 11:25:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

The American Apparel & Footwear Association (AFFA) has urged President Donald Trump to sign the Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act (CBTPA), which expired yesterday (30 September), into law as a matter of urgency.

Tags: sign amid urges expiry


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