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Children's Levy
2021-09-11 01:39:40| PortlandOnline
PDF Document, 259kbCategory: Bureau Submissions
Stars call for 'gadget levy' to fund UK creatives
2021-06-29 02:23:21| BBC News | Business | UK Edition
A small percentage of devices' cost should go into a fund for UK creators and performers, a group says.
Item 385 City Council to convene as Budget Committee to correct tax levy for FY 2021-22 Approved Budget
2021-05-21 18:09:33| PortlandOnline
PDF Document, 360kbCategory: Current Agenda & Pending Items
Exxon, Chevron Question Australias Industry-wide Levy to Clean Up Offshore Field
2021-05-20 15:16:03| OGI
The government decided to impose the�levy�as it did not want taxpayers to�cover the cost after the owner, Northern Oil & Gas Australia, went into liquidation.
Tags: question
Item 359 Borrowing in anticipation of the Fire and Police Disability and Retirement Fund levy for FY 2021-22
2021-05-15 00:40:25| PortlandOnline
PDF Document, 246kbCategory: Current Agenda & Pending Items