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Senior DevOPS Engineer wmd

2021-05-10 13:14:33| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Telespazio Germany GmbH is the first choice European aerospace company for ICT and engineering solutions and services. We combine 40 years of experience in hightechnology markets, where trust and quality are essential. With more than 350 employees in Germany, we shape the future of aerospace together and beyond. Our staff play a key role in determining our success through their qualifications, motivation, enthusiasm, different cultural backgrounds and their sense of teamwork. The Position We are looking for a DevOPS Engineer wmd to help us implement and manage solutions and services for our customers. This position is based at our customer site DFS in Langen Frankfurt am Main. It is fulltime and permanent position. We are looking forward to meeting you! ResponsibilitiesDuties The Engineer will provide support to the TPZG ICT Engineering Team in the delivery of ICT engineering services to multiple clients. The work shall include analysis of the requirements design, integration, validation and documentation of ICT solutions handover to operations Level 3 support for incidents and problems. QualificationsExperience A university degree in Computer Sciences or equivalent. At least 5 years experience as IT Systems Engineer, in a customer facing role. The successful candidate will have strong resultsoriented and planning capabilities, coupled with very good problemsolving skills and a pronounced customer focus. Essential Skills Expert knowledge and significant work experience of Linux OS RHEL, SLES and derivatives, system administration and customization Good knowledge on automation technologies and tools such as Ansible, Puppet. Knowledge and working experience with DockerPodman and Kubernetes. Selecting and deploying appropriate CICD tools. GitLab CI CD Manual and AutoDevOps Strive for continuous improvement and build continuous integration, continuous development, and constant deployment pipeline CICD Pipeline Programmingscripting experience Python, Perl, Java, C Working experience with Azure, AWS Experience with Nexus Desirable Skills Experience with REST, HTML, CSS SCSS, JSON, YAML, gRPc, Protobuf. German Language both written and spoken will be a big plus Your Benefits of joining us Worklife balance Flexible working hours, home office, sabbatical time off for travelling around the world, extended parental leave, further education, etc., option to work part time Financial benefits Company pension plan, net wage optimisation programme including IT bicycle leasing, discounted annual ticket for public transport, employer loans, etc. Employee recommendation scheme We are grateful when our employees support us in finding new recruits. You will receive a bonus of 1,500 EUR to 3,000 EUR per successful recommendation Relocation support We offer our newcomers a relocation lump sum and support you in finding a suitable new home as well as in finding a school or nursery for your children and much more. Should need be, this can even include support in the search for a job for your partner. Career development For us, further education and training are an essential part of people management, because this is the only way we can achieve our goal, namely a longterm and successful work relationship with you. Would you like to change your professional focus and work on other projects or change geographically? We will support you here as well. Company event and activities We have BBQs, Christmas parties and TGIF Thank God Its Friday events. On top of that, we organise teambuilding events and events internal to departments to promote team spirit. Let us know if you have creative ideas for corporate events or new initiatives that you would like to introduce to our company culture, no matter whether they are of artistic or technical nature. Application Are you equally inspired by our visions and dreams? Get in touch with us today and send us your application! Your HR Contact for this position is Raphael Rossato. We would be glad to hear your feedback about the quality of the above job description, under this Form Candidate Experience it is anonymous and takes less than two minutes. Our mail servers are using an antispam module that regularly checks global spam lists. If you are not able to send us an email, it might be because the mail server of your mail provider is listed on one of these lists. We therefore recommend you to use our application form at httpswww.telespazio.deenjobsj21065.

Tags: senior engineer senior engineer engineer senior


Software DevOps Engineer

2021-03-15 10:11:23| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Software DevOps Engineer ESTEC, Ref no 2173786 Terma The hightech and innovative Terma Group develops products and systems for defence, nondefence and security applications, including command and control systems, radar systems, selfprotection systems for aircraft and vessels, space technology, and aerostructures for the aircraft industry. Terma is headquartered at Aarhus, Denmark. Internationally, Terma has subsidiaries and operations in The Netherlands, France, Germany, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, India, Singapore and the U.S. The Space Business Area contributes with missioncustomized software and hardware products including power systems and star trackers as well as services to support a number of inorbit pioneering European scientific and Earth observation satellite missions. Additionally, Terma is contracted for the development and delivery of software and hardware systems and services for numerous ongoing and future European, and international missions. Terma Space operates out of Denmark, The Netherlands, France, Germany, the UK. Job description For our customer, the European Space Agency ESA, we are seeking an experienced Software DevOps Engineer to work at ESAs ESTEC site in Noordwijk, The Netherlands. Responsibilities You will join Termas service team providing specialist IT support to ESAESTECs Quality Dept TECQ with the Directorate of Technology, Engineering and Quality TEC. The Dept. needs a dedicated IT infrastructure, in addition to standard ESA IT infrastructure desktops, email etc., to support the various laboratories and applications that they need to provide test and measurement services for materials and EEE components used in space missions as well as general Product Assurance and Safety Engineering support to ESA projects. This infrastructure includes dedicated computing resources and requires a software development and deployment capability to host and maintain the applications used by ESA and the wider space community. Currently Termas TECQ IT team is providing the following Service Items SIs Software analysis, development, maintenance, and operation. Design, development, and maintenance of databases. Software license management. Service desk. User training and support. Technical support for the design, installation, operation and maintenance of laboratory equipment installation, operation and maintenance of laboratory equipment. Security support. Your specific tasks will resolve around support to a number of software tools, either COTS tools e.g. National Instruments LabView for monitoring and controlling of the test facilities, IBM Doors used to create a database of requirements based on ECSS standards, or software developed specifically for ESA by third parties to support laboratory measurements as below Software updates new features development SI.1 Operations Maintenance SI.1 Legacy migration support e.g. TECQMS SI.1 Surveys on user support maintenance SI.1 SI.5 Technical Level 1 2 User Support SI.5 Security operation and implementation SI.7 Other smaller adhoc tasks in support of the Dept. IT infrastructure and processes can be expected. In this you will be expected to interface directly with the user community and tackle operational aspects as needed. This is a fulltime position located at ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands. The requested start of work is May 2021 or as soon as possible thereafter. Qualifications Competencies The successful candidate shall have A university degree minimum Bachelor IT, Software Engineering, Computer Science, or similar. Professional IT certifications in lieu of Masters degree would be acceptable. At least 4 years relevant professional working experience, ideally within a large technical andor international working environment. Experience with software development, deployment, and operational support DevOps. Experience with CICD and associated tools e,g, Git, Jenkins. Knowledge of IT Security aspect e.g. identity management. Knowledge of a range of scripting languages e.g. Python, Perl, Bash. Experience with heterogenous IT environments Windows and UnixLinux. Experience with 1st and 2nd line user support, ideally in a technicalengineering environment. Specific experience with Development in National Instruments LabView. IBM Doors from a maintenance, support, and customization point of view e.g. DXL scripts. Soft skills Service orientation and ability to liaise with engineering endusers. Have ability to troubleshoot, research and work through complex problems. Selfdriven as well as an organised team player. Possess excellent English language skills. Are a passionate and curious techie who loves to learn and identify with the wider ESA mission. Desirable Prior knowledge and experience with ESA andor space industry would be an asset. What can Terma Offer? At Terma, we consider skilled employees, enthusiasm and job satisfaction as the very foundation of our success and as a prerequisite for the development of the bestinclass solutions that Terma provides. We lead the way in applying new technology, offering a wide range of growth opportunities for each individual and emphasizing mutual respect across the board in our workplace. Terma offers you a pleasant working environment at the customer site, where you will be able to take on challenging tasks and responsibilities in a highly professional company. Great opportunities for training and personal development Challenges in advanced technical environment International and cosmopolitan working atmosphere An employment contract with an attractive package with extralegal benefits Highly competitive salary Support on relocation if applicable Recruitment is depending on successful selection by the customer. Additional information To ensure that your application will reach us and is properly processed please apply via our website www.terma.com. Include an uptodate Curriculum Vitae and a Cover Letter highlighting your background and expertise as well as earliest date of availability. Closing date April 2nd 2021 Please note the following Legal Security requirements Applicants must hold all appropriate permits to work in the EU. Applicants are required to provide a copy of their IDpassport and degreehigher education certificate. Terma will validate the certificate with the issuing authority. In line with ESA security requirements, an official Certificate of Good Conduct or equivalent and employment reference checks will be required at commencement of employment. Please attach a copy of any reference letters with your application if you have them. Privacy Notice By submitting your job application you confirm that you have read, understood and accepted this Privacy Notice, including Termas Privacy Policy as referenced below and are providing your consent to Termas storage and processing of your personal data accordingly. This Privacy Notice covers any personal data you submit to Terma for the recruiting process, including e.g. Your name, contact details and application status Information included in your CV or cover letter, such as job history, academic background, skills and competencies, personal interests, languages spoken, and your photo Job preferences and type of employment sought Names and contact details for references Please visit our Privacy Policy at www.terma.com. Here you will find additional information about our compliance with GDPR, how we use and protect your data, as well as information about your rights pursuant to GDPR. You will also find information who to contact at Terma in case you want to exercise these rights

Tags: software engineer software engineer engineer software


Ingnieur DevOps Kubernetes HF

2020-11-02 12:11:54| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

CS est un acteur majeur de la conception, de lintgration et de lexploitation de systmes dinformation et de communication critiques en France et linternational. Au sein de la Business Unit Espace, le dpartement Payload Data Applications regroupe une quipe pluridisciplinaire de 160 Ingnieures aux profils complmentaires mtier, logiciel, systme. Le dpartement Payload Data Applications apporte son expertise en tldtection et en traitement dimage satellite, mais aussi sa maitrise dans la conception, le dveloppement et lexploitation de segments sols, sa comptence dans les services et applications valorisant la donne spatiale, et son savoirfaire sur les technologies Big Data et Cloud. Enfin, le dpar tement Payload Data Applications est galement un acteur majeur du monde de lopen source grce une forte contribution, et est reconnu pour son expertise dans la gouvernance du libre. Dans le cadre du dveloppement de ses activits dans le domaine spatial, notre dpartement recrute unune Ingnieur DevOps Kubernetes. Vous rejoindrez lquipe de ralisation pour la conception et le dveloppement de bibliothques informatiques ddies aux systmes oprationnels dobservation de la terre. Vous aurez en charge ladministration des environnements de dveloppement et la mise en place des plateformes dintgration continue. Vous apporterez le support aux utilisateurs par des formations aux outils dploys et par laccompagnement aux bonnes pratiques. Vous assurerez la mise en place denvironnements de tests et de validation dans une logique DevOps pour permettre une livraison scurise et ractive des composants logiciels. De formation Bac 5 en informatique ingnieur ou universitaire, vous justifiez dune exprience similaire dau moins 3 ans. La connaissance des principes et technologies DevOps en environnement Linux telles que Docker, Kubernetes ou bien Continuous Integration est indispensable lexercice de vos activits. Vous matrisez galement les outils de suivi de dveloppement et de build Jira, Jenkins, Matermost, Confluence, Gitlab. Vous maitrisez Shell, le systme Linux DHCP, LDAP, ssh et Python. La connaissance de BD et ElasticSearch est un atout votre candidature. Des comptences scurit en environnement Cloud offre de services manag, gestion multitenant, cloisonnement des donnes sont galement apprcies. Un bon niveau danglais lcrit et loral est indispensable. Vos qualits Excellent relationnel et esprit dquipe Rigueur, autonomie, esprit initiative Capacit danalyse Nous rejoindre cest Bnficier dun management de proximit Progresser individuellement et collectivement voluer dans un environnement flexible dimension humaine et conviviale Qui sommesnous ? Depuis plus de 40 ans, la Business Unit Espace de CS GROUP fournit avec succs des systmes cls en main et des services dingnierie pour les marchs de lespace et de ses applications. Avec un effectif de 430 collaborateurs rassemblant des comptences avances et uniques la fois dans les technologies de linformation et lingnierie des donnes spatiales, la BU Espace est un partenaire de confiance majeur et reconnu sur le long terme des agences spatiales et de dfense, des matres duvre et oprateurs de satellites, et des acteurs des applications spatiales. O sommesnous situs ? Notre tablissement se situe Toulouse 6, rue Brindejonc des Moulinais dans le parc de La Plaine et proximit de la Cit de lEspace. Le site est accessible en transports en commun Lino 7, bus 23 et 37. Si vous prfrez, nous vous remboursons les indemnits kilomtriques vlos ! Intresse ? Partagez avec nous votre CV et additionnons nos talents !

Tags: hf ingnieur devops


DevOps Project Engineer

2020-09-08 16:10:55| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Are you fascinated about Space? Do you have experience in DevOps architecture, tooling and processes and have knowledge of industry standard bestcase DevOps systems and experience designing and implementing industry standard bestcase DevOps systems? You could be our new DevOps Project Engineer. Come and join talented diverse Serco team at the European Organisation for the European Space Operations Centre ESOC based in Darmstadt, Germany. Please, note the position is offered as a sixmonth fixedterm contract. Serco is among the leading Space Industry and Services Companies. Sercos space heritage over the last 40 years has placed us in the Space News Top 50 Space Industry Manufacturing and Services Companies We work alongside EUMETSAT and the European Space Agency, our employees have been providing everyday their technical, scientific and management skills to support the full range of European cornerstone space missions. Job Description What we offer if you join our amazing team Competitive Salary Corporate Benefits Package Exciting relocation package if applicable Company events Main Responsibilities The main aim of this project is to Explore the Agencys needs and capture those needs, in high level Epics, more detailed User Stories, and as traditional requirements. Describe a suitable solution that will meet those needs. The technical details of the specific technology, tool set, and processes are expected to generally follow industry standard DevOps architecture, tooling and processes. As a part of the DevOps team you will need to capture and create Software Requirements Specification SRS, capturing the user stories and solution requirements functional and nonfunctional requirements the latter may include, for example, technical and performance requirements, implementation constraints, quality requirements, security requirements, etc. Software Validation Plan SVP, with focus on validation of user stories and solution requirements captured in the SRS. Software Development Plan SDP, including details on validation planning, especially with respect to end user involvement. Software Design Document SDD, with focus on Software TopLevel Architectural Design. Software Budget Report SBR, which shall be included into the SDD, detailing respective system or server requirements on hardware and software baseline versions, performance requirements, etc.. Software Reuse File SRF, which shall be included into the SDD Reuse of Existing Software and section 8 Software for Intended Reuse. System Level Interface Control Document ICD, with focus on software interfaces such as Web APIs, data interfaces for importexport, etc. to a level such that requirements can be traced to the design. Discuss how variations of the Concept are better satisfied by the current and expected future standard industry DevOps approaches. Discuss different alternatives for meeting the goals of the Concept Paper, with and pros and cons of each. Assess the functionality of the current ESOC SDE and identify gaps in satisfying the aims of the DevOps Concept paper. Generate a coherent description of the user needs of the EGOSMG DevOps Solution and derive a set of requirements, mapped to a functional break down of the system e.g. a standard ECSS SRS. This will enable the EGOSMG Stakeholders to assess in more detail the mechanisms and implications of the high level aims of the Concept Paper. By culminating in a formal review, the project confirms it correctly understands the users needs. Successful Candidate Do you think you are the person we are looking for? See below what experience or knowledge you should bring Experience designing industry standard bestcase DevOps systems with the aim of harmonising the IT, Software and Solutions in use at ESOC for all mission operations.The EGOSMG DevOps Solution shall be capable of supporting a range of technologies, languages and third party products. The use of Epic level SCRUM User Stories to capture various high level usage scenarios of the system. Experience capturing user needs, in high level Epics, more detailed User Stories, and as traditional requirements. Describe a suitable solution that will meet those needs. Experience capturing and producing, Software Requirements Specification SRS, Software Validation Plan SVP, Software Development Plan SDP, Software Design Document SDD, Software Budget Report SBR, Software Reuse File SRF, System Level Interface Control Document ICD. Knowledge of industry standard bestcase DevOps systems and experience designing and implementing industry standard bestcase DevOps systems to a large client and the following. Software and system development, testing and deployment of selected software industry best practise for software development processes i.e. DevOps. Produce agreed requirements and an agreed design for the EGOSMG DevOps solution, with project outputs aligned to the Phase B outputs of an ECSS project lifecycle. The use of Epic level SCRUM User Stories to capture various high level usage scenarios of the system that is foreseen. Produce a high level description of the industry standard best case system that should be available as the EGOSMG DevOps Solution in 2024. Describe the current accepted industry DevOps best practise. This will include leading vendors and tool chains, standard processes. Describe the current trends and State of the Art in DevOps solutions, with a view to anticipating the changes in the standard best practise over the next 34 years. Highlight the limitations of the industry standard practise with respect to satisfying the aims of the client. Discuss the difficulties foreseen in the application of a standard DevOps solution inside the project. Important Any offer of employment is contingent upon you providing documents to verify your identity and employment eligibility, as required by law. Applicants are reminded that they will be requested to produce such documentation during the recruitment process. Please contact a member of the recruitment team if you require further details of acceptable types of documentation required for verification of identity and work authorization. Data Protection When creating a profile on the Serco Career Centre you agreed to the Data Protection policy, a copy is available upon request. You may submit a written request revoking your consent to this agreement at any time. About The Company Serco is one of the worlds largest providers of public services to Governments employing over 50,000 people in over 20 countries. In Europe, Serco supports governments and international organisations in the delivery of essential public services with operations in Belgium, France and French Guyana, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland. What connects the ever growing Serco workforce is a passion for delivering great service and to keep ahead we have to constantly evolve and enhance the way we deliver our services and everyone in Serco has a role to play. We have a mandate to execute brilliantly and our people lead and inspire based on our core values, Trust, Care, Pride and Innovation. As a business which delivers frontline public services, employing tens of thousands of people, we are constantly developing and promoting people our need for skilled professionals is insatiable and few companies can offer as many opportunities for individuals to grow their careers. A career with Serco offers the chance to work with both inspirational people and innovative contracts, in a dynamic and exciting environment. If you share our values and want to join a team of over 50,000 passionate colleagues globally we want to hear from you. Make a difference every day. Take pride in what you do! More at httpswww.serco.comeusectorexpertisespace httpswww.serco.comeucareerscareersinspace

Tags: project engineer project engineer engineer project


DevOps and Space Segment Engineer

2020-08-04 17:10:40| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Position Reference 543 RHEA Group is a growing international company, focusing on providing innovative, marketready solutions and services in our key sectors of Space and Security for both commercial and institutional customers. We employ over 500 staff working across 10 different countries. We work with distinguished clients such as the European Space Agency, EUMETSAT, NATO, European Commission, Canadian Government and national space agencies. When you work for RHEA, you will have the opportunity to work alongside some of the best talented minds and experts in our industries, either working at our clients sites on some of the most exciting space missions or on cuttingedge projects in security, concurrent design, data and ground systems within our own offices. To attract the best candidates, RHEA offers our employees competitive remuneration packages, unique career opportunities, individualised training and development programmes and local relocation support to take the stress out moving to another country or city. We are recruiting now. We understand your concerns during this period of a global pandemic and we will work with you, at your pace ensuring your questions are answered and maximum flexibility is offered. We are currently looking for a DevOps and Space Segment Engineer to work in Darmstadt, Germany. Tasks and Activities The scope of work will include Space Segment Engineer Provide space segment related expert inputs for the SW instrumentation and SW missions and Instrument and System Requirements Documents updates. Support the maintaining and updating S2P system requirements and mission requirements data bases and their dependencies with the appropriate software tools. Provide inputs for Space Segment related S2PSW Segment Development Roadmap reviews. Provide support to the definition of the SW Space Segment architectural designs. Provide technical support for development, testing and acceptancevalidation of space segment related applications and software delivered by the S2P GS team to SW Segment. Support preparation of the S2P work as a space segment expert. Support reviews for the S2P space segment activities as appointed by the WP Manager. Support organisation of SW Segment public relation events as appointed by the Head of SW Office. Provide expert support to the definition of space weather related international standards. Provide a consolidated monthly progress report of the progress of all activities undertaken within frame of the SWSSE WPs. Support preparation of the work specification of new S2P space segment activities as a space segment system engineering satellite and ground segment expert. Support the preparation of upcoming instrument and satellite mission studies and procurements including in particular the definition of the system requirements and related aspects. Within the space system studies and throughout the mission phases perform the corresponding monitoring and evolution of the system and interface requirements. Establish and maintain the inventories of mission system requirements with a tracing towards related parent and daughter requirements by using DOORS. DevOps Engineer Act as a liaison between S2P DC and DS teams and the Segment operations or development team. Participate offsite development software reviews. Support the integration of new or modified software applicationsmodules into the existing system. Participation in necessary meetings with the S2P DC and DS Team and when required also with development teams to iterate and consolidate requirements. Participationlead in biweekly Segment DevOps team meetings. Participation in the installation of the Software Delivery and Deployment in the testing and operation environments and the performance of acceptance testing from the customer side. Generation of Software Problem Reports SPRs, change requests, and tracking them and their resolution. Interface with the Segment Team in coordinating and facilitating small and Agile onsite development operation auxiliary scripting, micro services and data pipelines development. Support with the bottom up harmonization of the Segment Data Management, facilitating the requirement consolidation and contributing to the definition and preliminary design of a pilot Data Management System Data Hub. Support periodic review of the onsite development activities in liason with S2P DS Contribute to the work plan activities for defining and implementing the software concepts, especially in integration, test and validation. Support the procurement process with analyses and technical evaluations, as requested by the heads of offices. Consolidate and keep track of the software requirement baselines and its verification record. Produce DevOps Meeting MoMs. Skills and Experience The following skills and experience are mandatory As minimum a M.Sc. or equivalent academic degree in data systems engineering or a similar applicable field. Minimum of 1 year of working experience with data systems. Familiar with modern software development paradigms working model, and agile methodology. General experience throughout all software development phases and deeper experience in designing, or in testing, in both cases complemented by proven coding expertise. Familiar with testing software using automated tools easy to integrate in the S2P CI CD Infrastructure RD05 here fully applicable. Extensive experience with Git based infrastructure and CDCD infrastructure toolset. How to Apply Looking to take your career to the next level? Interested applicants should submit their CV and Cover Letter to RHEAs Recruitment team at careersrheagroup.com no later than 19082020. Preference will be given to candidates eligible for an EU or national personal security clearance at the level of CONFIDENTIAL or above.

Tags: space engineer segment devops


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