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Teen entrepreneurs top business tips

2020-09-16 01:08:55| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Two young businessmen who started their ventures when they were at school share their advice on how to sustain your business during the pandemic.

Tags: top business tips teen


Kentucky Teen Fills Recycling Void in His Neighborhood

2020-06-26 09:00:00| Waste Age

A Kentucky teenager noticed trash volume building in his neighborhood as people quarantined during the COVID pandemic and decided take action and make a few bucks at the same time. Ross Millet, who will be a senior at Bowling Green High School this

Tags: teen neighborhood kentucky void


Teen Inventors Tackle Viability of Commercial Drones

2020-06-19 13:30:00| TechNewsWorld

Welcome to the world of four Naperville North High School students in a western suburb of Chicago. Their entrepreneurial and technical skills earned them the Pete Conrad Scholar award for their invention of Airlyft, a versatile drone. TechNewsWorld recently met with these student innovators to discuss how they applied teamwork and persistence to overcome constant setbacks imposed by COVID-19.

Tags: commercial teen tackle inventors


US teen spend falls but casual fashion continues to dominate

2020-04-09 13:30:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

Athletic brands such as Canadian yogawear retailer�Lululemon�and�sportswear giants Nike and Adidas continue to dominate teen fashion preferences in the US as�casualisation of fashion continues, despite�teen spend falling to the lowest�levels in nine years amid the Covid-19 pandemic.�

Tags: fashion falls spend continues


Davos 2020: Being a teen activist is all consuming

2020-01-21 12:16:43| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Still only 19, environmental activist Melati Wisjen launched her first campaign at the age of 12.

Tags: is teen consuming activist


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