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Comcast acquires XUMO

2020-02-25 22:00:26| Digital TV News

Comcast has announced that it has acquired XUMO, the advertising-supported streaming service. XUMOs network of distribution partners include major smart TV brands who have partnered with XUMO to curate rich, free, media experiences.

Tags: comcast acquires xumo


beIN SPORTS strikes partnership with XUMO TV

2020-02-11 14:30:50| Digital TV News

beIN SPORTS has launched beIN SPORTS XTRA, the networks free live sports streaming channel, on XUMO TVs service in the U.S., followed shortly by availability in Canada. beIN SPORTS XTRA joins the growing list of 190+ channels on XUMO.

Tags: sports partnership strikes xumo


XUMO gains distribution on Sony and Panasonic TVs

2020-01-02 15:50:57| Digital TV News

XUMO has announced the addition of Sony and Panasonic to its existing distribution network with LG. This expansion guarantees significant global distribution for both content owners and advertisers partnered with XUMO at present and in the future.

Tags: distribution sony panasonic gains


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