Tag: covids
COVID\'s Impact on Spring Cleaning
2021-03-11 19:36:39| Happi Breaking News
Participation rates are down, according to the American Cleaning Institute.
Tags: impact
COVID's acceleration of technological solutions in the vineyard - comment
2020-11-02 13:53:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from
With necessity long being the mother of invention, the COVID crisis has brought outlying technology into the mainstream, and at speed. Wine category commentator Chris Losh has seen similar leaps and bounds at the production end of the wine industry.
Tags: comment
WasteExpo Experts Dive into C&D Waste and COVIDs Impact
2020-09-16 11:00:00| Waste Age
On Sept. 15 presenters at WasteExpo session: Construction and Demo (C&D) Debris and COVID 19 dove into how companies dealing with a tremendous waste streameven larger than municipal solid waste have fared through COVID-19. Industry pros cand
Tags: impact
COVID's longer-term impact on soft drinks - analysis - FREE TO READ
2020-08-10 11:30:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected how consumers around the world approach the non-alcoholic beverage aisle. Over the next three years,�bottled water is likely to be consumed in greater quantities, while carbonates and RTD tea and coffee are both expected to see a significant drop in popularity, compared to previous forecasts.
Covids Impacts Cause Stinky Trash to Pile High in Philly
2020-07-23 09:00:00| Waste Age
Count Philadelphias waste collection crisis as the latest ill effect of the coronavirus pandemic. Since COVID-19 began infecting large numbers of Philadelphians in mid-April, homebound residents have been generating more waste than usual 30% more