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Tag: experiments

Gotham Project Experiments with Reusable Wine Bottles

2021-06-15 05:57:00| Waste Age

Founded in 2010, Gotham Project (GP) is known for distributing wines to retailers and restaurants in stainless steel kegs; wine on-tap. In doing so, the company estimates that it has eliminated more than five million single-use glass bottles from bei

Tags: project wine experiments bottles


ORNL team performs first neutron diffraction experiments on a running engine

2020-12-28 11:55:38| Green Car Congress

Tags: team running engine experiments


Fresh look at sample size for experiments measuring mortality

2020-09-10 18:06:00| National Hog Farmer

Simply recognizing the limitations of our knowledge is a critical step.

Tags: size sample fresh measuring


A Look at Experiments Adding Liquid to Landfill

2020-01-14 09:00:00| Waste Age

Adding liquid to landfilled waste must be done in a very controlled manner, or operators can run into problems.

Tags: to adding liquid experiments


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