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End Game for Oil? OPEC Prepares for an Age of Dwindling Demand

2020-07-28 16:22:10| OGI

People are waking up to a new reality as the cartel may be forced to adjust.

Tags: of end age game


Why 'Quality Control' is the name of the beer game, no matter your size - comment

2020-07-28 03:07:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

Although not the most glamorous aspect�of brewing, being able to provide the consumer with an assurance of your beer's quality is where it's at. Category commentator Stephen Beaumont believes that what has previously been the preserve of the indusry's larger brewers now needs to trickle down - not literally - into craft beer.

Tags: your size comment control


GlobalData: hydrogen to become game changer as large-scale source of cleaner power

2020-07-06 09:56:07| Green Car Congress

Tags: power source game cleaner


Coronavirus: 'Exporting goods has been like a game of chess'

2020-07-01 01:54:14| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Exporting goods during the Covid-19 lockdown has been "a game of chess", says tights manufacturer.

Tags: of game goods chess


Big Short on Malls Is the Only Distressed Game in Town: Brian Chappatta

2020-06-25 19:18:00| National Real Estate Investor

If commercial real estate is one of the only distressed opportunities available, investors cant afford to be too picky.

Tags: big short game town


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