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Support Free Lunch + Play as a Sponsor

2020-04-16 22:22:50| PortlandOnline

Tags: free support play sponsor


GitHub Expands Free Feature Access, Slices Other Costs

2020-04-16 20:40:29| TechNewsWorld

GitHub has lowered its pricing plans drastically and made its core features free for everyone, even for private development. GitHub CEO Nat Friedman announced a plan that has been in the works for some time, noting that the changes were not related to the pandemic. The new structure allows access to GitHub's private repositories with unlimited collaborators for all GitHub accounts.

Tags: free access costs feature


Santa Barbara County Vintners Association thanks US health workers with free bottles

2020-04-14 13:12:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

A trade association in California's wine country is supporting keyworkers in the US with a pledge to donate bottles to those working on the front line during the�coronavirus crisis.

Tags: free health county association


U.S. Projects Oil Output to Fall Nearly 2 MMbbl/d, Driven by Free Market

2020-04-08 15:31:45| OGI

U.S.�oil�companies are expected to reduce�oil�output�temporarily by�nearly�2 million barrels per day (MMbbl/d) as lower crude prices force companies to cut back operations, the�U.S. Energy Department said on April 7.

Tags: free market fall projects


NiceLabel providing free label software to combat COVID-19

2020-04-07 20:21:00| Label and Narrow Web Breaking News

The company is offering free subscriptions of its cloud-based labeling product and technical consulting services to organizations in need.

Tags: free software providing label


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