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Leman Conference virtually educating the swine world

2020-09-04 20:41:00| National Hog Farmer

Annual educational event for the global swine industry will be hold in a virtual platform later this month.

Tags: world conference virtually educating


September is World Candle Month

2020-09-02 15:39:45| Happi Breaking News

'Illuminate Your Life' with the National Candle Association.

Tags: world september month candle


World of Wipes Held Last Week

2020-09-01 16:00:03| Nonwovens Industry Breaking News

Over 260 participants joined virtual conference

Tags: world week held wipes


Energy Private Equity Valuation in a COVID-19 World

2020-08-27 18:05:00| OGI

As private equity fund managers assess the economic impact of COVID-19, developing reliable valuation processes and procedures for their oil and gas investments will ensure transparency to regulators and investors.�

Tags: world private energy equity


US Apparel Imports in 1st Half 2020: China vs. Rest of World (Quarterly Report)

2020-08-26 18:08:37| EmergingTextiles.com

US apparel imports have more dramatically declined in the first half from China than from other origins. The Chinese fall has been limited in volume terms by a significant slide in export prices whereas they were slightly dropping from the rest of the world. Our statistical report compares US apparel imports from China with shipments from Rest of the World (RoW) for every category of products, in volume, value and unit value terms. Historical data cover first halves in the past five years, from 2015-2020.

Tags: world report china half


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