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Recycling Drop-Off Locations Overflow in Columbia, Mo.

2020-11-12 06:00:00| Waste Age

City of Columbia, Mo.'s Solid Waste Manager Steve Hunt says COVID-19 is impacting the number of workers available for recycling collection. Concerned residents have taken to Twitter to post photos and express their frustration. Some are saying that

Tags: mo locations columbia recycling


Advisory: Sewage overflow reaches tributary of Fanno Creek

2020-09-22 03:40:15| PortlandOnline

Tags: creek advisory reaches overflow


Advisory: Sewage overflow reaches Bridlemile Creek in SW Portland

2020-08-01 02:12:03| PortlandOnline

Tags: creek portland advisory reaches


Advisory: Sewage overflow reaches Columbia Slough

2020-07-10 21:47:12| PortlandOnline

Tags: columbia advisory reaches overflow


Advisory: Sewer line clogged by grease leads to overflow upstream of Stephens Creek Nature Park

2020-04-03 18:14:55| PortlandOnline

Tags: line park nature leads


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