Tag: far
Energy Firms Bet on Hydrogen Boom, But Payday Far Away
2021-03-03 23:00:00| OGI
The universes most abundant element, hydrogen has been touted for decades as an alternative energy source�to fossil fuels, but attempts to commercialize it for use in vehicles and industry have largely failed.
Brexit: How much disruption has there been so far?
2021-02-01 01:09:58| BBC News | Business | UK Edition
It has been a month since the rules changed in the UK's relationship with the EU.
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Excellence in infancy: South Koreas 5G journey so far
2021-01-12 01:00:00| Total Telecom industry news
As we enter 2021, many telcos are looking to South Korea for lessons in how to conduct a successful 5G rollout. The country is unquestionably one of the most advanced markets in the world when it comes to the new technology, with over 10 million 5G subscribers coming from a population of around 51 million. But why has 5G adoption happened so rapidly in South Korea, when other markets around the world – like Europe, for example – are seeing much slower progress? For Dr Lee, part of the answer lies in a cultural predisposition towards accepting new technologies. “Korean people have very good experience when it comes to digital technologies and success in IT,” explained Dr Lee. &ldquo…read more on »
ConocoPhillips Cuts US Oil Production by 30%, Largest So Far
2020-04-16 23:15:00| OGI
ConocoPhillips Co. said April 16 it would slash spending and cut U.S. oil output by about 30% of this year's target, the largest cut so far by a major shale producer.
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Barn technology can only go so far
2020-02-25 22:10:00| National Hog Farmer
Human compassion can never be replaced in pig care.
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