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Hacker Attempts To Poison Florida City's Water Supply

2021-02-10 13:06:00| TechNewsWorld

A cyber intruder broke into the computer network of the water treatment system of Oldsmar, Fla. and attempted to poison it with lye. News of the attack was made public Monday by officials of Oldsmar, who revealed the attack was foiled by an operator at the facility within minutes of its launch. The Oldsmar plant provides water to businesses and about 15,000 residents.

Tags: water supply florida attempts


WeChat: Judge blocks US attempts to ban downloads of Chinese app

2020-09-20 16:19:59| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The ban on the Chinese-owned messaging and payments apps was to come in on Sunday night.

Tags: downloads chinese judge blocks


Vietnam attempts to cut pork prices to curb inflation caused by swine fever

2020-03-18 16:19:00| ThePigSite - Industry News

Vietnam's inflation is seen at 4.22 percent this year if the country can cut pork prices further, the government said on Tuesday.

Tags: prices cut caused vietnam


OPEC+ Calls Off Technical Talks, Mediation Attempts Fail

2020-03-16 13:48:11| OGI

An OPEC and non-OPEC�technical�meeting planned for March 18 in Vienna has been called�off�as�attempts�to mediate between Saudi Arabia and Russia after the collapse of their supply cut pact made no progress,�sources�said on March 16.

Tags: technical calls fail attempts


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