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U.S. consumer technology sales to hit $422 billion in 2020

2020-01-05 19:30:28| Digital TV News

Skyrocketing popularity of streaming services and wireless earbuds along with 5G connectivity and AI-enabled devices will drive revenue growth for the U.S. consumer tech industry to a record $422 billion in retail revenues in 2020, according to the CTA.

Tags: technology sales hit consumer


Bank currency services hit by Travelex site attack

2020-01-03 15:53:07| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Travel money services at Sainsbury's Bank, Barclays and HSBC have been impacted by the cyber attack.

Tags: site services hit bank


Clydesdale and Yorkshire banks hit by payments error

2020-01-03 13:24:15| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Customers of the banks express their anger after wages and other payments fail to enter their accounts.

Tags: error hit payments banks


Christmas gift returns set to hit postal system

2020-01-02 10:54:40| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Royal Mail has predicted a 72% jump in returns on so-called "Takeback Thursday".

Tags: set system gift hit


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