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Top White House Aide Discussed Oil Prices with Saudi Arabia Crown Prince

2021-10-01 11:15:00| OGI

The Biden administration has previously said such conditions include having more oil on the market to stop rising energy prices and help the economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tags: top house white prices


Reliance Backs Saudi Aramco Chairman as Independent Director

2021-09-29 15:45:13| OGI

Last week, shareholder California State Teachers' Retirement Fund had voted against the move.

Tags: director independent chairman saudi


Saudi Arabia Plans to Issue Green Bonds Soon to Advance ESG Plans

2021-09-27 15:28:26| OGI

The Middle East�has seen a surge of interest in ESG-related initiatives�amid growing awareness among global investors.

Tags: issue green plans advance


Saudi Arabia's Crude Oil Exports Hit Six-month High

2021-09-16 15:58:26| OGI

The world's largest�oil�exporter's crude output rose to 9.474 million barrels per day�in July.

Tags: high hit oil saudi


Saudi Arabia Slashes Crude Oil Prices to Asia

2021-09-07 15:15:00| OGI

State oil giant Saudi Aramco lowered for the first time in four months the official selling price of Arab Light crude for delivery to Asia in October to a premium of $1.70/bbl versus the average of DME Oman and Platts Dubai crudes.

Tags: prices asia oil arabia


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