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WEBINAR: Keys to Conducting Quality Field Research

2021-08-12 20:25:00| National Hog Farmer

FREE webinar for the hog industry.

Tags: research quality field keys


Lundin Energy Sees First Oil from Rolvsnes Field

2021-08-10 15:26:34| OGI

Lundin Energy AB has seen first oil from the Extended Well Test (EWT) at the operated Rolvsnes field, the first subsea tie back development for the Edvard Grieg platform, the company said on Aug. 10.

Tags: field energy oil sees


Completions Advances: Protecting Personnel and Equipment in the Continually Evolving Oil Field

2021-08-09 22:00:00| OGI

As companies strive to reduce completion times and well costs, new techniques such as simul-frac may be explored. Protecting people and equipment is paramount, and smart emergency nitrogen systems�can safeguard both.

Tags: field equipment oil personnel


Proserv Secures Significant Contract for Majnoon Oil Field in Iraq

2021-07-28 15:35:00| OGI

Houston-based KBR facilitated the deal with Proserv aimed at boosting oil production capabilities at a key Iraqi asset.

Tags: field significant contract oil


Exploration: Leveraging Digitalization to Maximize Results in the Field

2021-07-13 15:00:00| OGI

The ability to seamlessly access data regardless of where data reside�empowers companies to identify previously missed zones of pay, accurately predict and plan for negative drilling events before they occur, correctly forecast pore pressure and generate multiple what-if�scenarios to understand an activitys impact on a reservoir.

Tags: results field exploration maximize


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