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Maximize Cattle and Dewormer Performance with Combination Treatment

2021-08-01 15:00:00| Beef

Using two dewormers from different drug classes maximizes cattle efficiency, controls more parasites and reduces risk of resistance.

Tags: performance treatment combination cattle


Capturing Event Food Waste to Maximize Food Waste Prevention, Donation, and Diversion (WasteExpo 2021)

2021-07-22 17:20:00| Waste Age

This panel will review how different departments within a stadium or large event spaces interact with food waste and how collaboration can improve waste prevention, donation, logistics, communication, and processing. The panel will also discuss how b

Tags: food event waste prevention


Exploration: Leveraging Digitalization to Maximize Results in the Field

2021-07-13 15:00:00| OGI

The ability to seamlessly access data regardless of where data reside�empowers companies to identify previously missed zones of pay, accurately predict and plan for negative drilling events before they occur, correctly forecast pore pressure and generate multiple what-if�scenarios to understand an activitys impact on a reservoir.

Tags: results field exploration maximize


Cybercriminals Employing Specialists To Maximize Ill-Gotten Gains

2021-07-13 13:00:00| TechNewsWorld

Ransomware gangs are increasingly turning to specialists to complete their capers on corporations, according to a Dark Net intelligence provider. A report issued by Tel Aviv-based Kela noted that the days when lone wolves conducted cyberattacks from start to finish has become nearly extinct, as the one-man show has given way to specialization.

Tags: gains specialists employing maximize


How Integrated Tech Can Maximize an E&P Operators Production

2021-06-15 19:00:00| OGI

Heres how an operator optimized their completions operations and improved their overall production by keeping an open mind about the implementation of new technology.

Tags: production tech integrated operators


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