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Heat pump grants worth 5,000 to kickstart low carbon heating

2021-10-18 23:00:36| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The grants for England and Wales are part of a government strategy for low carbon heating - but critics say it is not ambitious enough.

Tags: low worth heat carbon


Exxon Mobil Launches US Shale Gas Sale to Kick-start Stalled Divestitures

2021-08-12 15:00:00| OGI

The assets are among gas projects with declining production and market value as Exxon Mobil�focuses on newer ventures in Guyana, offshore Brazil and Texas's Permian Basin.

Tags: sale gas mobil launches


Kickstart: Most job roles for youths not yet filled

2021-01-25 01:02:45| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

About 118,000 placements for young people are yet to be filled due to coronavirus lockdowns.

Tags: yet job filled roles


CEO Secrets: 'Try bartering to kickstart your business'

2021-01-06 01:25:48| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The boss of an advertising screens company says he used barter to get a prime London office location.

Tags: your business ceo secrets


Canada Unveils Hydrogen Strategy to Kick-start Clean Fuel Industry

2020-12-17 11:30:00| OGI

Canada is the world's fourth-largest oil producer and its energy sector has been hammered by plummeting demand as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tags: canada industry strategy clean


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