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Foster-Powell | 10-08-21 | 5822 SE Lafayette St | Pre-Application Conference - NOTICE | EA 21-087717

2021-10-07 17:49:49| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 1,199kbCategory: Pre-Application Conferences

Tags: notice conference ea lafayette


Foster-Powell | 08-26-21 | 5115 SE Lafayette St | Adjustment Review - DECISION | LU 21-032366 AD

2021-08-25 17:35:17| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 1,420kbCategory: Southeast Uplift Neighborhood Program Decisions

Tags: review ad decision lu


Foster-Powell | 06-21-21 | 5115 SE Lafayette St | Adjustment Review - PROPOSAL | LU 21-032366 AD

2021-06-17 23:13:23| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 790kbCategory: Southeast Uplift Neighborhood Program

Tags: review ad lu proposal


Marketed: Kaiser-Francis Oil Well Package, Lafayette Parish, Louisiana

2021-05-04 19:05:00| OGI

Kaiser-Francis Oil Co. retained EnergyNet for the sale of a well package in the Anse la Butte oil and gas field in Louisianas Lafayette Parish through a sealed-bid offering closing May 19.

Tags: package oil louisiana parish


Feet on the Street Campaign Aims to Improve Recycling in Lafayette, LA

2020-11-17 13:33:00| Waste Age

Lafayette, LA Lafayette Consolidated Government (LCG) and The Recycling Partnership are working together to reduce waste and improve curbside recycling in the city of Lafayette.The Feet on the Street campaign will educate residents on the importa

Tags: la street improve feet


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