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Villa Maria unveils ad with Christmas lockdown nod - video

2020-12-07 14:13:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

New Zealand winery Villa Maria has launched a festive campaign that highlights this year's digital Christmas get-togethers.

Tags: video christmas maria villa


Scott gets nod for House Ag Committee chairmanship

2020-12-02 16:38:00| Beef

Georgia representative chosen to take over leadership position with absence of Rep. Collin Peterson.

Tags: house committee scott nod


Levi Strauss launches store concept in nod to circular economy

2020-10-08 13:10:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

Denim giant Levi Strauss & Co has launched a new store concept in the UK where worn denim can get a new lease of life thanks to�customisation and repair services provided by in-house tailors.

Tags: store concept economy circular


FY 2021 Beef Checkoff budget gets nod of approval

2020-09-24 21:04:00| Beef

New budget, which starts in October, is down from last year.

Tags: of budget approval beef


Trump gives nod to Oracle buyout of TikTok in US

2020-08-19 06:57:21| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Oracle's chairman Larry Ellison is a supporter of the US president and held a fundraiser for him this year.

Tags: us oracle nod trump


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