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Tag: ecofriendly

Nouryon Opens Eco-friendly Office and Innovation Center in Dubai

2021-07-13 14:59:28| Coatings World Breaking News

The office accommodates Nouryons regional commercial team and an innovation center designed for the testing and development of locally focused products.

Tags: office center opens innovation


Beyond Oil Launches Blockchain Platform Driving Eco-Friendly Oil Production

2021-06-28 19:54:44| OGI

The blockchain powered platform Solar Oil Project�recycles abandoned wells to produce oil while eliminating a trillion dollar ecological nightmare, the company said on June 28.

Tags: production oil driving platform


Tomorrow Water Awarded USDA SBIR Grant to Develop Eco-Friendly Solution for Recycling Keratin from Livestock Rendering Waste

2021-05-20 08:00:00| Waste Age

ANAHEIM, Calif., -- Tomorrow Water, an innovative total solution provider of water treatment technologies and eco-friendly waste management solutions, has been awarded a highly competitive Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) g

Tags: water solution develop grant


Google Maps to start showing eco-friendly routes

2021-03-31 05:33:18| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The driving app will highlight journeys with lowest emissions based on factors such as traffic.

Tags: start google showing maps


FLEXcon highlighting new eco-friendly label materials

2021-03-29 17:21:27| Label and Narrow Web Breaking News

The company's optiFLEX ecoFOCUS enables the recyclability of PET containers.

Tags: materials label highlighting ecofriendly


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