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WageDay Advance: Tiny payout for borrowers mis-sold payday loans

2020-05-21 16:57:47| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Those owed compensation by WageDay Advance will receive less than 6% of their entitlement.

Tags: advance loans tiny payday


Few US Oil Firms Return Small-business COVID-19 Loans

2020-05-19 21:00:00| OGI

Among those receiving loans, but which had not disclosed whether they would return the funds as of May 18, were exploration firms Amplify Energy and Battalion Oil.

Tags: return oil loans firms


Coronavirus: Bosses' bonuses banned in exchange for virus loans

2020-05-19 11:53:27| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The Treasury and the Bank of England will restrict company payouts for firms seeking taxpayer funds.

Tags: exchange loans virus bonuses


"I'm living on cards": The businesses still waiting for emergency loans

2020-05-15 23:30:23| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

BBC News has seen a string of complaints about leading banks from customers unable to get any money.

Tags: living cards businesses waiting


NWRA Urges Congressional Leaders to Fix Taxability of PPP Loans

2020-05-11 09:00:00| Waste Age

In an effort to help struggling small busineses stay operational, the National Waste & Recycling Assocation (NWRA) joined more than 150 trade associations on a letter to the Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal and Senate Finance Chairm

Tags: leaders fix loans congressional


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