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The Ocean Cleanup and The Coca-Cola Company Announce New Partnership

2021-06-07 08:00:00| Waste Age

Coca-Cola Becomes First Global Implementation Partner for The Ocean Cleanups River Project

Tags: company partnership ocean announce


Year-end GRIR Account 211000 Cleanup

2021-05-25 18:26:56| PortlandOnline

Quick reference guide for clearing account 211000 cleanup. Word Document, 975kbCategory: FY21 Year-end Resources

Tags: account cleanup yearend


2-Year Audit Update: Cleanup of Homeless Camps: Progress on recommendations continues during pandemic

2021-05-13 18:58:44| PortlandOnline

Tags: update progress recommendations continues


Joe Bidens Clean-up Plan for Orphaned Oil Wells Slammed

2021-04-15 19:00:00| OGI

Critics accuse the $16 billion provision in Bidens proposed infrastructure package to plug abandoned oil wells across the U.S. of being a bailout for the oil and gas industry.

Tags: plan oil joe wells


US House Bill Seeks $8 Billion for Abandoned Oil and Gas Well Cleanup

2021-04-08 23:50:00| OGI

The bill authorizing $8 billion to plug and clean up abandoned oil wells nationwide is sponsored by Representative Teresa Leger Fernandez, whose home state of New Mexico is a major oil and gas producer.

Tags: well house bill gas


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