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Pathetic and Embarrassing: Bidens Request to OPEC Draws Criticism

2021-08-12 22:00:00| OGI

U.S. oil groups condemned Biden administrations action asking OPEC to increase supply, calling it inconsistent with his efforts to limit domestic production.

Tags: request criticism draws pathetic


Universal Credit: 'It is embarrassing having rely on family again'

2020-12-24 08:45:26| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

People on Universal Credit say they worry about the end of a 20 a week boost to the benefit.

Tags: on family credit universal


Oops - Google May Have Sent Your Embarrassing Private Video to a Stranger

2020-02-05 13:00:00| TechNewsWorld

Google misdirected a number of private videos that users of its Google Photos app intended to back up to Google Takeout, sending them instead to strangers' archives. The company emailed affected users to inform them that a technical issue caused the error. Google recommended that affected users back up their content again and delete their previous backup.

Tags: to video private google


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