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System Administrator for Center ATMATC Systems mwd

2020-04-27 12:14:17| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

We are the first choice European aerospace company for software centric engineering solutions. We combine 40 years of experience in a market, where trust and quality are needed. With more than 350 employees in Germany, we shape the future of aerospace and beyond together. Our staff plays a key role for our success through their qualifications, motivation, enthusiasm, different cultural backgrounds and their sense of collaboration in an open international environment living our values trust, integrity, participation and curiosity. We are committed to crafting a diverse environment and are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, or veteran status. We offer a wealth of benefits to support a balanced work life balance, including but not limited to flexible working hours, mobile working and ongoing career development. This position is based at DFS in Langen Frankfurt am Main. The position is fulltime. We are looking forward to meeting you! The position We are looking for a System Administrator for our client Deutsche Flugsicherung DFS, the German Air Navigation Service Provider ANSP. You would be responsible for the configuration, deployment, maintenance and optimization of virtual test and development Air Traffic Control ATC systems, including peripheral Systems. The position would be based on the customer headquarters, in Langen, where you could collaborate in a diverse team which comprises developers, testers and integrators, taking part in the full software development. You would have the opportunity to work independently and be selfreliant, contributing to the team in a creative manner! ResponsibilitiesDuties Realization of the required network structure Setting up hardware and, if necessary, implementation of modifications ensuring the accurate firmwareBIOS versions and updating on demand or as required Installation of operating systems including product and environmentspecific adaptations Rough functional check after installation of software components in the target environment Maintenance optimization of test environments also virtual Carry out the necessary activities to ensure the environments are up to date Autonomous recognition of optimisation potential, definition of the change and taking of the appropriate measures, if necessary after consultation with the TM Updating the operating system as well as the peripheral systems QualificationsExperience A university degree in aerospace, informatics, mathematics or physics or equivalent Essential Skills Indepth operating system knowledge of Linux RedHat and SuSe Network architecture in the environment of complex and crosslinked systems Sound knowledge of the hardware used workstation, server and switches Databases knowledge and software distribution Installation of virtualized environments Understanding of hardware and software configuration management Container solutions Good command of the English language oral and written Desirable Skills IT security Communicative and open to new ideas and discussions German language would be useful in this role Your Benefits of joining us Worklife balance Flexible working hours, home office, sabbatical time off for travelling around the world, extended parental leave, further education, etc., option to work part time Financial benefits Company pension plan, net wage optimisation programme including IT bicycle leasing, discounted annual ticket for public transport, employer loans, etc. Employee recommendation scheme We are grateful when our employees support us in finding new recruits. You will receive a bonus of 1,500 EUR to 3,000 EUR per successful recommendation Relocation support We offer our newcomers a relocation lump sum and support you in finding a suitable new home as well as in finding a school or nursery for your children and much more. Should need be, this can even include support in the search for a job for your partner. Career development For us, further education and training are an essential part of people management, because this is the only way we can achieve our goal, namely a longterm and successful work relationship with you. Would you like to change your professional focus and work on other projects or change geographically? We will support you here as well. Company event and activities We have BBQs, Christmas parties and TGIF Thank God Its Friday events. On top of that, we organise teambuilding events and events internal to departments to promote team spirit. Let us know if you have creative ideas for corporate events or new initiatives that you would like to introduce to our company culture, no matter whether they are of artistic or technical nature. Application Are you equally inspired by our visions and dreams? Get in touch with us today and send us your application! Your HR Contact for this position is Raphael Rossato.

Tags: system center systems administrator


System Administrator for Center ATMATC Systems mwd

2020-04-01 15:16:43| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Wir sind die erste Adresse in der europischen Luft und Raumfahrtindustrie fr softwarezentrierte Entwicklungslsungen. Wir verfgen ber 40 Jahre Erfahrung in einem Markt, in dem Vertrauen und Qualitt erforderlich sind. Gemeinsam mit mehr als 350 Mitarbeitern in Deutschland gestalten wir die Zukunft der Luft und Raumfahrt und darber hinaus. Unsere Mitarbeiter spielen fr unseren Erfolg die wichtigste Rolle, durch ihre Qualifikation, Motivation, Begeisterung, ihren unterschiedlichen kulturellen Hintergrund und ihren Sinn fr Zusammenarbeit in einem offenen internationalen Umfeld, in dem wir unsere Werte leben Vertrauen, Integritt, Beteiligung und Neugier. Wir haben uns dem Aufbau eines diversen Umfelds verschrieben und sind stolz darauf, ein Arbeitgeber zu sein, der Chancengleichheit bietet. Alle qualifizierten Bewerber werden gleichermaen, ohne Rcksicht auf Rasse, Hautfarbe, Religion, Geschlecht, sexuelle Orientierung, nationale Herkunft, Genetik, Behinderung, Alter oder Veteranenstatus, bercksichtigt. Wir bieten eine Vielfalt von Leistungen zur Untersttzung einer ausgewogenen WorkLifeBalance, einschlielich flexible Arbeitszeiten, mobiles Arbeiten und kontinuierliche Karriereentwicklung. Die Stelle Wir suchen einen Systemadministrator fr unseren Kunden Deutsche Flugsicherung DFS, den deutschen Flugsicherungsdienstleister ANSP. Sie sind verantwortlich fr die Konfiguration, den Einsatz, die Wartung und die Optimierung von virtuellen Test und Entwicklungssystemen der Flugsicherung ATC einschlielich der peripheren Systeme. Die Position wre am Hauptsitz des Kunden in Langen angesiedelt, wo Sie als Mitglied eines vielfltigen Teams, das aus Entwicklern, Testern und Integrationsspezialisten besteht, an der kompletten Softwareentwicklung mitwirken. Dabei haben Sie die Mglichkeit, selbststndig und eigenverantwortlich zu arbeiten und auf kreative Weise zum Erfolg des Teams beizutragen! Ihre Aufgaben Die Realisierung der erforderlichen Netzwerkstruktur Die Einrichtung von Hardware und, falls erforderlich, die Implementierung von Modifikationen, die die genauen FirmwareBIOSVersionen sicherstellen, sowie die Aktualisierung auf Anfrage oder bei Bedarf Die Installation von Betriebssystemen einschlielich produkt und umgebungsspezifischer Anpassungen Eine erste Funktionskontrolle nach der Installation von Softwarekomponenten in der Zielumgebung Die Wartung Optimierung von Testumgebungen auch virtuell Die Durchfhrung der Aktivitten, die notwendig sind, um sicherzustellen, dass die Umgebungen auf dem neuesten Stand sind Das selbstndige Erkennen von Optimierungsmglichkeiten, die Definition der nderungen und das Ergreifen der entsprechenden Manahmen, ggf. nach Rcksprache mit dem Technischen Leiter Die Aktualisierung des Betriebssystems sowie der peripheren Systeme Ihr Profil Ein Universittsabschluss in Informatik, Luft und Raumfahrttechnik, Mathematik, Physik oder gleichwertig Das bringen sie mit Umfassende Kenntnisse der Betriebssysteme von Linux RedHat und SuSe Netzwerkarchitektur in der Umgebung komplexer und vernetzter Systeme Fundiertes Wissen ber die verwendete Hardware Workstation, Server und Switches Wissen ber Datenbanken und Softwareverteilung Installation von virtualisierten Umgebungen Verstndnis von Hardware und SoftwareKonfigurationsmanagement ContainerLsungen Gute Kenntnisse der englischen Sprache mndlich und schriftlich Wnschenswerte Kenntnisse ITSicherheit Kommunikationsfreudig und offen fr neue Ideen und Diskussionen Deutschkenntnisse wren in dieser Rolle von Vorteil Was wir bieten Work Life Balance Flexible Arbeitszeiten, HomeOffice, Sabbatical Auszeit fr eine Weltreise, verlngerte Elternzeit, Weiterbildung, etc., Mglichkeit auf Teilzeit Finanzielle Leistung Betriebliche Altersvorsorge, NettoLohnOptimierung und IT Fahrrad Leasing, Vergnstigtes Jahresticket fr den ffentlichen Personennahverkehr, ArbeitgeberDarlehen, etc. MitarbeiterEmpfehlungsprogramm Wir freuen uns, wenn Sie uns bei der Gewinnung neue Mitarbeiter untersttzen. Sie erhalten eine Prmie von 1.500 EUR bis 3.000 EUR pro erfolgreicher Empfehlung Untersttzung beim Umzug Finanziellen Umzugspauschale und Untersttzung bei der Suche nach einer geeigneten Wohnung oder auch nach einer Schule bzw. eines Kindergartens fr Ihre Kinder und vieles mehr. Sogar bei der Suche nach einem Job fr ihre Partnerin. Berufliche Weiterentwicklung Weiterbildung und Training sind dabei fr uns ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Personalfhrung, denn nur so erreichen wir unser Ziel eine langjhrige und erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit mit Ihnen. Mchten Sie Ihren Ttigkeitsschwerpunkt wechseln und andere Projekten oder sich geographisch verndern? Auch hier untersttzen wir Sie. Firmenveranstaltungen und aktivitten SommerBBQs, Weihnachtsfeiern und auch TGIFs Thank God Its Friday. Darber hinaus veranstalten wir weitere TeambuildingEvents und interne Abteilungsfeiern, die den Teamgeist frdern. Sie haben kreative Ideen fr Firmenveranstaltungen oder neue Initiativen, sei es knstlerischer oder technischer Natur? Dann lassen Sie uns diese wissen. Bewerbung Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt? Dann senden Sie uns Ihre Bewerbung. Ihr Ansprechpartner fr diese Stelle ist Raphael Rossato.

Tags: system center systems administrator


System Administrator for Center ATMATC Systems mwd

2020-03-27 11:16:07| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

We are the first choice European aerospace company for software centric engineering solutions. We combine 40 years of experience in a market, where trust and quality are needed. With more than 350 employees in Germany, we shape the future of aerospace and beyond together. Our staff plays a key role for our success through their qualifications, motivation, enthusiasm, different cultural backgrounds and their sense of collaboration in an open international environment living our values trust, integrity, participation and curiosity. We are committed to crafting a diverse environment and are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, or veteran status. We offer a wealth of benefits to support a balanced work life balance, including but not limited to flexible working hours, mobile working and ongoing career development. This position is based at DFS in Langen Frankfurt am Main. The position is fulltime. We are looking forward to meeting you! The positions We are looking for a System Administrator for our client Deutsche Flugsicherung DFS, the German Air Navigation Service Provider ANSP. You would be responsible for the configuration, deployment, maintenance and optimization of virtual test and development Air Traffic Control ATC systems, including peripheral Systems. The position would be based on the customer headquarters, in Langen, where you could collaborate in a diverse team which comprises developers, testers and integrators, taking part in the full software development. You would have the opportunity to work independently and be selfreliant, contributing to the team in a creative manner! ResponsibilitiesDuties Realization of the required network structure Setting up hardware and, if necessary, implementation of modifications ensuring the accurate firmwareBIOS versions and updating on demand or as required Installation of operating systems including product and environmentspecific adaptations Rough functional check after installation of software components in the target environment Maintenance optimization of test environments also virtual Carry out the necessary activities to ensure the environments are up to date Autonomous recognition of optimisation potential, definition of the change and taking of the appropriate measures, if necessary after consultation with the TM Updating the operating system as well as the peripheral systems QualificationsExperience A university degree in aerospace, informatics, mathematics or physics or equivalent Essential Skills Indepth operating system knowledge of Linux RedHat and SuSe Network architecture in the environment of complex and crosslinked systems Sound knowledge of the hardware used workstation, server and switches Databases knowledge and software distribution Installation of virtualized environments Understanding of hardware and software configuration management Container solutions Good command of the English language oral and written Desirable Skills IT security Communicative and open to new ideas and discussions German language would be useful in this role Your Benefits of joining us Worklife balance Flexible working hours, home office, sabbatical time off for travelling around the world, extended parental leave, further education, etc., option to work part time Financial benefits Company pension plan, net wage optimisation programme including IT bicycle leasing, discounted annual ticket for public transport, employer loans, etc. Employee recommendation scheme We are grateful when our employees support us in finding new recruits. You will receive a bonus of 1,500 EUR to 3,000 EUR per successful recommendation Relocation support We offer our newcomers a relocation lump sum and support you in finding a suitable new home as well as in finding a school or nursery for your children and much more. Should need be, this can even include support in the search for a job for your partner. Career development For us, further education and training are an essential part of people management, because this is the only way we can achieve our goal, namely a longterm and successful work relationship with you. Would you like to change your professional focus and work on other projects or change geographically? We will support you here as well. Company event and activities We have BBQs, Christmas parties and TGIF Thank God Its Friday events. On top of that, we organise teambuilding events and events internal to departments to promote team spirit. Let us know if you have creative ideas for corporate events or new initiatives that you would like to introduce to our company culture, no matter whether they are of artistic or technical nature. Application Are you equally inspired by our visions and dreams? Get in touch with us today and send us your application! Your HR Contact for this position is Raphael Rossato.

Tags: system center systems administrator


System Administrator for Center ATMATC Systems mwd

2020-02-10 14:13:37| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

We are the first choice European aerospace company for software centric engineering solutions. We combine 40 years of experience in a market, where trust and quality are needed. With more than 350 employees in Germany, we shape the future of aerospace and beyond together. Our staff plays a key role for our success through their qualifications, motivation, enthusiasm, different cultural backgrounds and their sense of collaboration in an open international environment living our values trust, integrity, participation and curiosity. We are committed to crafting a diverse environment and are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, or veteran status. We offer a wealth of benefits to support a balanced work life balance, including but not limited to flexible working hours, mobile working and ongoing career development. This position is based at DFS in Langen Frankfurt am Main. The position is fulltime. We are looking forward to meeting you! The positions We are looking for a System Administrator for our client Deutsche Flugsicherung DFS, the German Air Navigation Service Provider ANSP. You would be responsible for the configuration, deployment, maintenance and optimization of virtual test and development Air Traffic Control ATC systems, including peripheral Systems. The position would be based on the customer headquarters, in Langen, where you could collaborate in a diverse team which comprises developers, testers and integrators, taking part in the full software development. You would have the opportunity to work independently and be selfreliant, contributing to the team in a creative manner! ResponsibilitiesDuties Realization of the required network structure Setting up hardware and, if necessary, implementation of modifications ensuring the accurate firmwareBIOS versions and updating on demand or as required Installation of operating systems including product and environmentspecific adaptations Rough functional check after installation of software components in the target environment Maintenance optimization of test environments also virtual Carry out the necessary activities to ensure the environments are up to date Autonomous recognition of optimisation potential, definition of the change and taking of the appropriate measures, if necessary after consultation with the TM Updating the operating system as well as the peripheral systems QualificationsExperience A university degree in aerospace, informatics, mathematics or physics or equivalent Essential Skills Indepth operating system knowledge of Linux RedHat and SuSe Network architecture in the environment of complex and crosslinked systems Sound knowledge of the hardware used workstation, server and switches Databases knowledge and software distribution Installation of virtualized environments Understanding of hardware and software configuration management Container solutions Good command of the English language oral and written Desirable Skills IT security Communicative and open to new ideas and discussions German language would be useful in this role Your Benefits of joining us By joining the Telespazio family, you will enjoy all the benefits of a competitive salary in a sustainable work environment, flexible working time models, diverse advancement. Application Are you equally inspired by our visions and dreams? Get in touch with us today and send us your application! Your HR Contact for this position is Raphael Rossato.

Tags: system center systems administrator


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